• Frank Ziegele
  • 16. September 2021

Ziegele, Frank; Kunkel, Frederic: The Election of University Rectors in Germany: New Processes to Support Strategic Leadership. In: IEB Report 2/2021 on University Reform, Institut de Economia de Barcelona (IEB), Universitat de Barcelona, 2021, S. 14-16

The role of German university rectors has fundamentally changed over the last 25 years. Rectors transitioned from representative academic figures into leaders with varios comprehensive management tasks and challenges, including but not limited to developing and implementing strategic plans for theuniversity, managing resources, optimising organisational structurs, leading staff mmbers, and implementing quality management systems.


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Frank Ziegele


Tel.: +49 5241 9761-24
Fax: +49 5241 9761-40
E-Mail: Frank.Ziegele@che.de

Alexandra Tegethoff
Tel.: +49 5241 9761-22

Hochschulmanagement und -steuerung ,Hochschulfinanzierung und -controlling, Veränderungs- und Strategieprozesse an Hochschulen, Hochschulranking, U-Multirank, internationale Vergleichsstudien und angewandte Hochschulforschung, gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Hochschulen, Entwicklung von Hochschulsystemen
