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The CHE University Ranking 2020/21 went online again on the DAAD website on 27 July, featuring the latest results for Law and Business Administration.

Since 2003, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has presented an English-only version of the CHE ranking on its website. This year, it underwent a redesign. Besides an improvement in user friendliness, the ranking can now also be used effectively on mobile end devices.

The “University Ranking” is embedded in the “Study & Research in Germany” information offer on the DAAD website. In addition to accessing the CHE ranking, the website also offers international prospective students an English version of the Higher Education Compass offered by the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), a scholarship database and a student residence hall database, as well as all kinds of additional information on studying and living in Germany.

The CHE ranking is available on the DAAD website via the direct link

Cort-Denis Hachmeister

Senior Expert Data Analysis

Phone: +49 5241 9761-35

Tina Schürmann
Phone: +49 5241 9761-39

Key activities at the CHE:
Research at universities of applied sciences
Access to higher education / selecting students
Choosing degree programmes
CHE University Ranking