CHE-AP96: Brief presentation of AktiHF (Aktivierende Hochschul-Finanzierung = activating higher education funding) Starting points for AktiHF • The education system is increasingly becoming a central factor in successful so-cial development. Of prime importance to this is the top level of the qualifications system – the higher education system. As stated by universities, education politi-cians and education experts, the higher education system in Germany is largely underfunded, and the OECD also continues to remind us of this fact ever more clearly in their own comparisons. • One reason for the underfunding has to do with the incentive for funding: apart from the Federation, it is those who will recruit academics for jobs in the future who will profit most from the academic qualification, rather than the Länder which are funding the training. With respect to the present funding structure, it is more at-tractive for the Länder to rely on the higher education systems of other Länder rather than invest in their own. • A funding system based on the logic ”user = payer“ could modify the whole system so that it is in the interest of the Länder to invest more money in their own higher education institutions. This way, a higher education system could be established which is based mainly on dynamics. Such dynamics represent a significant step towards solving the biggest social challenges – globalisation or demographic change, for example. Objectives of AktiHF • Create incentives to end the underfunding of the German higher education system by orienting the funding contributions from local authorities towards teaching and research. • Create a comprehensive and consistent public funding model for teaching and re-search. • Systematically integrate the previous elements of the funding system (such as the DFG German Research Foundation and Excellence Initiative). • Intensify competition between universities and between the Länder at the national level. • Create a flexible and at the same time reliable system of public funding which is able to react to future social challenges such as demographic change.Autoren:
Berthold, Christian; Ziegele, Frank; Gabriel, Gösta Ingvar: Aktivierende Hochschul-Finanzierung (AktiHf)
Ein Konzept zur Beseitigung der Unterfinanzierung der deutschen Hochschulen, Gütersloh, 2007, 40 Seiten,
ISBN 978-3-939589-58-7,
ISSN 1862-7188
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