Frank Ziegele

Key activities at the CHE

  • University and higher education management
  • Higher education funding and controlling
  • Change and strategy processes at HEIs
  • National and international University Ranking, e.g. European Higher Education Sector Observatory (EHESO)
  • International comparative studies and applied university research
  • Social responsibility of HEIs
  • Development of higher education systems

Higher education

  • Business Administration at the University of Hohenheim
  • PhD in “Universities and financial autonomy” at Ruhr University Bochum

Professional experience

  • Research assistant at the Chair of Public Finance at Ruhr University Bochum
  • Part-time lecturer at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, the University of Oldenburg, Danube University Krems and the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer
  • Managing Director of CHE Consult
  • Professor of Higher Education and Research Management at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. Director of the MBA Higher Education and Research Management and Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education degree programmes
  • Joined the CHE in 1996

Current advisory and editing activities

  • Co-editor of the journals “Wissenschaftsmanagement” and “Application-Oriented Higher Education Research”
  • Advisory board for continuing education at the Center for Science and Research Management (ZWM) Speyer
  • Advisory board for E-Journal “Wissenschaft & Management” (DUZ Medienhaus)
  • Advisory board FORTRAMA Forschungs- und Transfermanagement e.V.



Financing Higher Education in Germany and Europe: Performance-oriented Models of State Funding and Institutional Resource Allocation 3. November 2021 0.00 KB 16474 downloads

Ziegele, Frank; Mordhorst, Lisa: Financing Higher Education in Germany and Europe: Performance-oriented...

CHE Stellungnahme zum Regierungsentwurf der Novelle des Hessischen Hochschulgesetzes 2021 26. October 2021 262.06 KB 116054 downloads

Müller, Ulrich; Budde, Jannica; Hachmeister, Cort-Denis; Hegewaldt, Ellen; Nickel,...

Exportschlager Fachhochschulen 11. October 2021 141.70 KB 18652 downloads

Ziegele, Frank: Exportschlager Fachhochschulen, in: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management,...

The Election of University Rectors in Germany: New Processes to Support Strategic Leadership 16. September 2021 0.00 KB downloads

Ziegele, Frank; Kunkel, Frederic: The Election of University Rectors in Germany:...

Gebt Lehrerbildung eine Chance 6. September 2021 62.32 KB 19192 downloads

Ziegele, Frank: Gebt Lehrerbildung eine Chance, in: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management,...

CHE Stellungnahme zur Novelle des Niedersächsischen Hochschulgesetzes 6. September 2021 189.23 KB 19331 downloads

Müller, Ulrich; Ziegele, Frank; Budde, Jannica; Kremer, Silvia:  Stellungnahme...

Zehn Jahre Studi-Boom: Was ist daraus geworden? 16. July 2021 0.00 KB 11863 downloads

Podcast "An diesem Tag" vom 16. Juli 2021, Vor Zehn Jahren gab es so viel Studienanfänger*innen...

Das Diktat der Absolutzahlen 14. July 2021 56.88 KB 19034 downloads

Ziegele, Frank: Das Diktat der Absolutzahlen, in: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management,...

CHE Stellungnahme zur Novelle des Hessischen Hochschulgesetzes 6. July 2021 287.06 KB 20830 downloads

Müller, Ulrich; Budde, Jannica; Hachmeister, Cort-Denis; Hegewaldt, Ellen; Nickel,...

Vertrauen ist gut - Punkt 14. June 2021 61.68 KB 11412 downloads

Ziegele, Frank: Vertrauen ist gut - Punkt, in: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management,...